Akoin teaming up with Sense Chat

Akoin, a Stellar token by popular rap star, Akon, is teaming up with Sense Chat, which is the first messenger app with cryptocurrency integration. Sense Chat will be the first dApp partner with the Akoin network.

While the app is not yet available for download, you can signup on sense.chat and join the waitlist with your email address and phone number.

With this partnership, Akoin users will be able to chat securely with friends and other Akoin users. At the same time, you will be able to earn cryptocurrency.

Akon was recently awarded $6 billion dollars construction contract for the Senegal people. Akon’s Akoin city will be completed in the next 10 years and official currency in this city will be Akoin that runs on Stellar blockchain.

Akon believes that in order for a social venture like Akoin to succeed, it is important to build a passionate community with secure messaging. Akon already loves the features offered by Sense Chat and believes it will bring cutting-edge activation and reward features to the Akon ecosystem.

Akon city is a highly ambitious project and Sense Chat will be defacto messaging app responsible for private messaging. Since Akoin runs on Stellar blockchain, it will benefit Stellar as well.