Aquarius Governance to be updated with better navigation and more interactive experience for proposal creators

Aquarius is the liquidity layer for Stellar network. Today, its team announced that a brand new look is coming to Aquarius Governance. Called the Governance 2.0, this would be the most important upgrade so far. So, what has changed?

The most important change would the discussion phase for all proposals. This is where Aquarius community discusses about new and potential proposals. The v2.0 would bring improvements such as editing, adjustments of existing proposals. Navigation of older proposals is also said to be improved.

The team says there would be a separate filter for each proposal status. Keep in mind there is no concrete date on when Aquarius Governance 2.0 will go live, so watch out for this space.

AQUA token is used as reward to liquidity providers on Stellar network. So, if you provide liquidity, you will earn AQUA which can be sold for XLM, USDC or any favorite token of yours. You can view liquidity rewards on their official page.

The best way to acquire AQUA without providing liquidity is by selling your XLM for AQUA on a decentralized Stellar exchange like Stellar Term. XLM / AQUA pair has maximum liquidity.