Moonbirds NFT project does $170M volume in 24 hours

moonbirds nft

Moonbirds NFT project has crossed $168.5M volume in less than 24-hours with more than 55,000 Ethereum traded. It is amazing to see NFT market holding up well despite bitcoin chopping around and we definitely could not have predicted this an year ago or so.

This means NFTs have their own current market cycle and is a paradise for traders who know what they are doing. There is still a lot of money to be made in NFTs.

Moonbirds has already passed volumes of other popular collections like CyberKongz, VeeFriends, Fidenza and Art Blocks Factory.  One reason behind Moonbirds’ success is their team is not a bunch of anonymous people who are selling their JPGs on OpenSea. For instance, Kevin rose is an expert professional builder with proven exceptional track records.

Among popular NFT projects, there is no clear dip which was originally feared so the liquidity seems to be fresh capital. So Moon birds is making history and bringing fresh Degen capital to the scene.

Whatever your opinions are, you got to admit this is absolutely incredible. Congrats to minters and holders of Moonbirds NFT project.